Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Gender Reveal

Wasn't really going to do anything special but it landed so perfectly with Christmas and its my husband favorite holiday so we had family over Christmas Eve

 More to come !

Half way and happy holidays

We had a little potluck Sunday night so funny that everyone has kiddos now times are a changing

Today is half way mark for us we get to find out sex of baby Krause but we want know till Christmas Eve ahhh can't wait!
We're having family over and this is what we will find when we open this little red box girl or boy?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter break

They went ice skating

Lots of love and discipline going on this time round but it was a good two weeks off loved cuddling with this one!!


No resolution 
Just a work in progress 

Make God a priority 
Save money 
Let the mess go
Count blessings
There are no failures just obstacles
Bring up Godly girls
Let my husband lead 

I have realized that it's ok to not clean the playroom every night before bed or unload the dish washer. I will be considerate of my health and cherish it. Acknowledge my weaknesses. 


......I no random but somes it up