Buying a house is one of the most stressful things I have ever done, and I am not going to lie there were times when me and Daniel argued like children. I think we just expected everything to go as planned and for it to be perfect. Not going to happen.
What its been like:
Find the right house, make an offer, do paper work, do more paper work, write checks out, get your credit score back, fix it, sign more papers, go through a underwriter, THERE IS SO MUCH MORE BUT YOU GET THE IDEA, fix your stuff, find out that you have less then 9 days to move because your landlord sold the house your currently renting, pack, pack , two year old into everything, plan a party, studying for your license, find out closing, go through walk through of new house, fall in love with it all over again, everything is packed and ready, find out owners of new home have gone into pre-foreclosure, wait 48 hours to hear new closing date, bummed, find out landlord of old house is not selling just yet, YES we have a place to stay until the weekend, Now waiting to here closing, and still packing
Who ever said money doesn't matter, was right, your credit does! Find out before you do anything what your credit score is if you have any liens on your name, because yes they will put a lien on you if you have the same name as some one else, and pay everything on time. Working with great people and helping each other not only as husband and wife but as best friends is the only way we could of got through this. (and of course the one above)
All I can say for those that are young and ready to make the next step is; trust each other, work together, its okay to fight, and have patience. The past 4 months have been a blessing for this family. We have learned a lot about each other and what we are capable of if we truly want something. I am so blessed for my husband and my family and friends that have been there to listen and comfort us these pass four months.
and we thought having a baby was hard lol.
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